Due to hereditary reasons, my family members suffer from serious cases of freckles problems. Even upon using countless skin care products, the freckels probelms do not seem to improve.
But thank goodness for letting me discover the wonderful product - Dr Secret. Initially, I tried Dr Secret with a skeptical attitude. After just 1 month, my freckles problems improved tremendously.
The results surprised myself and also those around. I'm eternally grateful to Dr Secret for helping me to achieve a problem-free skin. The next to benefit will be my family members and those around me.
- Chu Swee Ngor, 51, Malaysia, Affected by Hereditary Freckles
I love to try out new things and products. As a beautician, I have been searching for a product that will be able to make my customers and my skin look even more radiant.
I attempted various products and it's poor quality caused unsightly pigmentation on my face. As a result, my skin started having irreparable skin conditions.
Just when I felt helpless and dejected, I encountered Dr Secret which saved my deteriorating skin condition and eased away my anxieties. My skin reacted positively to Dr Secret and I have finally found a superior skin care range that I shall remain loyal to.
Jiang Yi Zhen, 33, Taiwan, Affected by Skin deterioration due to usage of poor quality products
My pigmentation problem around the cheeks began since giving birth in 1991. during that tormented period, I could only step out of the house after putting on heavy make up.
I have searched high and low for that one product to cure the "butterfly wings" around my cheeks and even tried recommendations form various doctors to no avail.
When I discovered Dr Secret, my skin problem ceased. Dr Secret allowed my skin to reveal it's radiance and fairness. It's unique formula is safe and reliable, giving me glowing skin even without any make up. Today, I'm brimming with confidence thanks to Dr Secret.
- Candy Ng, 46, Singapore, Affected by Pigmentation from post child birth